Report : It's apple season!
The apple is a convenient and healthy fruit for the whole family. Resistant, refreshing, compact ... this nomad fruit lends itself to all consumer moments whether at home or outside the office, at school or for sports. At the undertaker, taste its freshness, its vitality, its juice and its slight acidity: what better way to snack! Among thousands of varieties, Copadel has selected 19 varieties of apples with exceptional taste! Follow the guide.
Differents apple varieties
With an average annual consumption of 14 kg per capita, Apple is now the most consumed fruit in France. They are rather fragrant, hardy, tasty or tonics, all our apples come from stricter controls and daily tastings.
The Fragrant
The family of Flavored includes the Jazz, the Pirouette, the Jonagored, the Dalinbel, Altess, the Pink Lady, Queen of Reinettes, Dew Pilat the Elstar and Delisdor! Copadel recommend you taste just the undertaker, offering guests the best of their texture and all their flavors.
The Rustics
rustic side: those often used in cooking apples resistant to cooking. Indeed, the flesh of the apples background tenderly in a gentle cooking highlighting their delicious flavors. This is the case of the Chantecler, with sweet notes, tart and nice golden robe. Another example is the Canada Grey, excellent for pies preparations and toppings of hot dishes. Patte de Loup, Sainte Germaine and obviously the Boskoop complete this family.
The Gourmet
Greedy family includes other highly regarded strains and sweeter. To compose this family, three stars: the Golden Gala and Fuji. The first is suitable for all the tastings: the undertaker, baked, pie and stewed. The second will delight gourmands with its firm flesh, crisp and juicy. Finally Fuji, sip juice, refresh you.
The Acidulée
The Granny Smith is considered the tart apple par excellence. Born in Australia, she is now consumed worldwide. It takes its name from the one who discovered it: Ms. Smith, a charming "grandmother" called Granny Smith!
How to store them?
Present on the stalls almost all year, apples are fruits which keep easily. However, the best is yet to consume them quickly, you fully enjoy the tastes and flavors of the season.
How to cook?
The apple is a fruit that is cooked the best because it can be baked, mixed, pressed or simply cut. Also it can accompany sweet pastries as savory dishes. For example, Granny Smith may invite to the preparation of a jar with salmon and goat cheese. Juice, apple is an ingredient that will appreciate with friends around some smoothies royal spices as an aperitif. You can also prepare your royal milkshake by adding an apple to start the day. Finally, if you're feeling peckish, you can still use them to make apple pies.