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Zucchini season is launched
Provence Zucchini season is launched !!

Copadel grower, packer and exporter of fruits and vegetables from Provence launches its courgettes season. This vegetable sun smelling the Mediterranean will be present in the dishes all summer. Easy to prepare zucchini is eaten in various forms. Raw or cooked , fried , sautéed shredded stuffed etc. Its preparation from cutting to cooking is very fast and its richness in vitamins give you energy for sunny days .

Zucchini from Provence is the food form by excellence !! It contains very few calories but a high density of vitamins, fibers and minerals. Easily digestible , it is suitable for everyone, even toddlers. And as zucchini is , in addition , simple and easy to prepare , make it an ally in everyday life.

provence, zucchini, grower

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